March 11, 2017

Cultural Arts Festival Barong Hut RI In Blora, Central Java

Cultural Arts Festival Barong Hut RI In Blora, Central Java

Barong art Blora Become Icons Carnival HUT-RI
Art Barong Blora still become an icon of Indonesian independence anniversary carnival in the village / urban villages and sub-districts. Almost certainly barong art displayed to add a carnival atmosphere more lively.

"Barong Art Blora is a folk art, and very attached. From the beginning until now still become an icon for some events. Especially in the Independence Day carnival, certainly, "said Rudianto, one of the observers Blora cultural arts.
The existence of art barong, said Rudi, realizing that the level of public awareness to preserve the art is very high.

"Barongan art was very popular in the community, especially in rural areas. And that from time to time still in demand. In fact there are already collaborated with the type of diatonic musical instruments from other areas including reog and arrangement of dance choreography, "he said.
Although there is the appearance of the construction of the carnival, said he, barong art is never neglected.

"In some villages and districts,in august at a specified date approximately the same time the carnival held in commemoration of the anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.There are several appearances. But art barong still be an icon, even displayed as a companion carnival, "he said.

Barongan,Lion barong figure in the story or the so-called Kingpin Amijoyo ruling is a big tiger.
Art barongan form a group dance, imitating the motion might of a giant lion. Singo Barong totality role in presenting a very dominant figure. In addition there are some characters that can not be separated ie Bujangganong / Pujonggo Anom Joko Lodro / devils cavalry / reog Noyontoko Untub.
In addition to the above figures barongan arts performances also include some equipment that serves as musical instruments, among others: Kendang, Bonang, Saron, Demung and Kempul.

"Along with the development there are a few additions that modern instruments such as drums, trumpet, large Kendang and Keyboard. Sometimes in some staging is often combined with art tasters, "said Rudi referring to several sources.

Art barongan sourced from Panji tale, which is a story that begins on the motorcade escorting Raden Panji hussar Asmarabangun / Pujonggo Anom and Singo Barong. (MC Blora Regency / Guh / Kus)

Cultural Arts Festival video Barong Hut RI In Blora, Central Java :

March 7, 2017



Publications is a district in Jepara, Central Java, an archipelago in the middle of the Java Sea. Located about 83 KM north of the city of Jepara, Karimun Islands consists of 27 islands, only five inhabited islands. The main tourist potential of Karimun Islands is the beauty of the sea. Because the tourism potential of the marine park, archipelago was designated as one of Indonesia's national parks in 2001.

According to local stories, the origin of the name is from the story Publications Amir Shaykh Hasan, son of Sunan Muria naughty and a disciple of Sunan Kudus. He was banished to the island which, when viewed from a distance called kerimun-kerimun in the Java language or meaning vague in Indonesian. Over time, the islands nicknamed as Karimun Islands.

Sights that has been designated as a national marine park Indonesia have over 90 types of coral reefs, and more than 240 species of fish. In some islands, you can see the mangroves and coastal forests. In addition you can also find several species on the mainland, such as deer, monkeys, birds, turtles, and others.

Planning the Future:

  • Construction of settlements typical traditional house Jepara
  • Development zoo
  • Construction of the plaza were clean and tidy
  • Development culinary center
  • Construction of a mini stadium for sports activities
  • Provides a submarine to see the coral reefs
  • Regulation of the use of traditional clothes on certain days
  • Construction of submarine power cables from Jepara
  • Construction of fiber optic cable
  • Given the nickname:
  • Holiday Island
  • Paradise of Java
  • Caribbean van Java
  • Karimun Islands waters
  • Karimun Islands waters

Given the nickname:

  • Holiday Island
  • Paradise of Java
  • Caribbean van Java

How to Achieve Karimun Islands:

  • Sea
  • Airway

ship kartini

Sea lanes is the most common paths used by tourists to visit the Karimun Islands. There are 3 options ships that can take you to these places, namely Kartini fast motor boats, nautical vessel Expres and passenger motor ship Muria. When using a fast motor boat Kartini, you will travel approximately 4 hours from the Port of Kartini. When using Expres Maritime ship, you will travel approximately 2 hours from Port Kartini. Kartini boat you will reach the port of Karimun in less than 6 hours. Keep in mind that the weather conditions and the waves are very influential on the cruise, so it could just cruise delayed or canceled if weather is bad.

In addition to using a ship, you can also use the aircraft. The use of aircraft to service Kemujan Dewandaru Island, Karimunjawa is less well known perhaps because the price is more expensive than by ship. You can use the plane from airline Merpati Airlines, Sky Aviation, and Wings of water from Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang. The origin of the name is quite interesting Dewandaru service, the taste of the name of a tree that exists only in Karimun Islands. According to local stories, when you pick up and bring home wood Dewandaru, then you are riding the ship will sink.

Tourism activities Karimun Islands:

  • snorkeling
  • Scuba diving
  • Swim
  • fish
  • around the island
  • Captive shark
  • A visit to the neighboring island
  • Playing with sand
  • Enjoying the sunset
  • pilgrimage tomb
  • Seeing the life of fishermen
  • Take pictures
  • Bonfire
  • Barbeque
  • Trekking mangrove forests
  • Sunbathing on the beach

shark breeding karimunjawa

Places in Karimunjawa:

  • Legon Lele
  • Menjangan Besar
  • Village Kemojan
  • Pantai Batu Karang Bride
  • Island Kemojan
  • Nirwana beach
  • barracuda beach
  • Coast Edge Gelam
  • Traditional Culinary Clarksmann
  • Publications Culinary Centre
  • Square Publications
  • Middle Island
  • Small Fir Island
  • Large Fir Island
  • Island Geleang
  • Small Menjangan Island
  • Small islan



Gili Trawangan is one of the most famous island in Lombok. A small island located in the Northwest of Lombok Island is not only afforded splendid views alone. The beaches and landscapes will make you wonder. You can perform various activities that you enjoy doing during the day. Additionally, you can also join the beach parties at night.

Lombok Island is a small island in eastern Indonesia. But Lombok island itself is surrounded by many islands are smaller, so-called "Gili". One Gili Lombok is a favorite spot is Gili Trawangan. In addition Gili Meno and Gili Air is also worth a visit.

Gili Trawangan you will find facilities of international standard. Because Gili is very popular among foreign tourists, and the majority of tourists who visit are tourists from abroad. So that the existing services in Gili is tailored to the needs of the foreign tourists. For example, Gili Trawangan is the only island that has an Irish Bar. Gili Trawangan is fairly relatively small, with a stretch of about 3 Km from North to South, and about 2 Km from West to East. In this Gili, rarely encountered a motor vehicle. Transport The most common is the "Cidomo" (a kind of horse-drawn carriages) and bicycles. Environmentally friendly enough, is not it?

The exoticism TrawanganDi Gili Gili Trawangan southeastern part you can see a very beautiful beach, with a stretch of soft white sand. While on the other part, on the west side, you'll see the beach fairly quiet and calm. The right place for those who like tranquility, or for those who want to find serenity. Of course with beautiful scenery and white sand. It's just sand in the western part is a little bit rough compared to the East coast.

A wide variety of beach activities you can do. If you love adventure, you can explore all parts Gili by bicycle. Do not worry, you can menjelajahnya in just a few hours. Night is also a good time when in Gili Trawangan. There are several cafes in this Gili. But you should not miss is the feast shores. If in Kuta Beach, a variety of events held in one night, in a separate schedule Gili Trawangan there every night. So every night you can enjoy different events.

To reach Gili Trawangan, the most common way is by boat motors. You can ride from the small harbor in Ward, about 42 Km from Kota Mataram (or about 1 hour drive). If from Mataram you are 
using a vehicle such as a motorcycle or a car, you have to leave the port.

Peucang travel offerings,West Java Indonesia

Peucang travel offerings,West Java Indonesia

Travel Peucang Banten
Peucang Island Tourism Banten. Banten is a province of Indonesia located in the most western part of Java Island. During this time many Banten known horned rhino breeding only included as a category of endangered species. It turned out that in addition to having to educate the travel nature reserve, Banten also has a hidden paradise, island Peucang Banten. Naming Peucang may historically taken from the name of an animal similar to the slug, are found in the coastal areas of this Peucang. Pets are widely referred to as the "eyes Peucang". Then this island as Pulau dinamakanlah Peucang. But if it is associated with the term "Peucang" in Sundanese means to be a deer. Peucang located not far from the coastal province of Banten. It is in a strait Panaitan are still entered into the territory of Pandeglang, Banten. Area of ​​the island is only about 450 hectares.

Amazingly the island's entry into one of the world heritage site by UNESCO. This is due to its location not too far from the Conservation Area or National Park Ujung Kulon.

Banten Peucang Island is located east of the Ujung Kulon National Park. Therefore, the beach is widely used as the next tourist destination by tourists who had just been to a special breeding places of the one-horned rhino.

The beauty and wisdom of nature Peucang able to attract enough tourists to visit.

To enjoy the beauty and wisdom of nature that unfolds in Peucang this you must by sea through the pier crossing located in the district. Well.

For the distance, district well is approximately 9 hours of travel (if normal) from the capital. Until this crossing pier you can take advantage of a private or rented vehicle.

If you prefer a backpacker way you can use the bus from Kalideres for the purpose of Labuan. Then from Labuan you can use the elf that operate only until about 3pm.

If it exceeds 3 pm you can rent another car to get to Pier wells. Pier wells would have to be continued with the advent of the Sea, using fishing boats.

Travel Peucang Banten
As for the duration of the trip from the dock to the lips Peucang island is approximately 3 to 4 hours of travel, travel time is still affected by the weather conditions and the uncertain seas.

The service especially for you who may have never been to Banten region at all, the route to another island Peucang actually there, namely through Pulau Umang.

On this island you can take advantage of water sports facilities to get to the island Peucang. For the issue of cost is actually still quite affordable, especially if you go in groups you may not need to pay more than one million tickets, transportation and accommodations.

But if there are other additional activities may be additional charges other funds to prepare a minimum of two million for the whole of your holiday on the island of Peucang Banten.