March 11, 2017

Cultural Arts Festival Barong Hut RI In Blora, Central Java

Cultural Arts Festival Barong Hut RI In Blora, Central Java

Barong art Blora Become Icons Carnival HUT-RI
Art Barong Blora still become an icon of Indonesian independence anniversary carnival in the village / urban villages and sub-districts. Almost certainly barong art displayed to add a carnival atmosphere more lively.

"Barong Art Blora is a folk art, and very attached. From the beginning until now still become an icon for some events. Especially in the Independence Day carnival, certainly, "said Rudianto, one of the observers Blora cultural arts.
The existence of art barong, said Rudi, realizing that the level of public awareness to preserve the art is very high.

"Barongan art was very popular in the community, especially in rural areas. And that from time to time still in demand. In fact there are already collaborated with the type of diatonic musical instruments from other areas including reog and arrangement of dance choreography, "he said.
Although there is the appearance of the construction of the carnival, said he, barong art is never neglected.

"In some villages and districts,in august at a specified date approximately the same time the carnival held in commemoration of the anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.There are several appearances. But art barong still be an icon, even displayed as a companion carnival, "he said.

Barongan,Lion barong figure in the story or the so-called Kingpin Amijoyo ruling is a big tiger.
Art barongan form a group dance, imitating the motion might of a giant lion. Singo Barong totality role in presenting a very dominant figure. In addition there are some characters that can not be separated ie Bujangganong / Pujonggo Anom Joko Lodro / devils cavalry / reog Noyontoko Untub.
In addition to the above figures barongan arts performances also include some equipment that serves as musical instruments, among others: Kendang, Bonang, Saron, Demung and Kempul.

"Along with the development there are a few additions that modern instruments such as drums, trumpet, large Kendang and Keyboard. Sometimes in some staging is often combined with art tasters, "said Rudi referring to several sources.

Art barongan sourced from Panji tale, which is a story that begins on the motorcade escorting Raden Panji hussar Asmarabangun / Pujonggo Anom and Singo Barong. (MC Blora Regency / Guh / Kus)

Cultural Arts Festival video Barong Hut RI In Blora, Central Java :

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